#1: "Make sure you wear your money belt. Almost everyone gets mugged." Really? Wow, I know several of my friends have been to Europe and have yet to encounter a mugger. I understand that tourists are pick-pocket targets, but I think "almost everyone" is a bit of an exaggeration.
#2: "Don't stay in hostels. Have you seen the movie Hostel?" There are many reasons I have not seen the movie Hostel. I choose not to see "R" movies and I tend to stay away from movies that show people getting tortured beyond our imaginations. I do, however, love that my clients go into graphic detail about what Hostel has to offer.
#3: "I hope you have enough money. Did you know that the dollar isn't worth as much as the Euro?" I can't believe I haven't thought of that. You mean I can't live in Europe for three weeks on $300.
Since this is my first trip overseas, let's try to make it positive advice. I'd like to know favorite places to visit, best way to travel between countries, activities I shouldn't miss, etc. I don't want to waste my trip peering over my shoulder assuming everyone's just waiting for the right moment to mug me, sleeping with one-eye-open, and begging for bread scraps to eat because I can't afford anything else.