Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yet another tag...

I guess I will comply to the rules and complete my tag. Here are the rules for this tag:
a) List 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep! and b) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

1. Reality shows make me cry. I always tear up at least once while watching Biggest Loser and American Idol. I guess I'm a softy.
2. I can recite Dirty Dancing word for word.
3. I didn't try chinese food until I was 20. Growing up in Sanpete there are just not that many options and we were a "meat and potatoes" family.
4. I've always been paranoid that my house will catch on fire in the middle of the night. I always have to include it in my prayers before I go to bed.
5. I have a ridiculous, sickening amount of useless pop culture knowledge.
6. I've never had a bloody nose.
7. When I was 5, we were coming home from Provo and I was sleeping in the back seat. We hit a deer and I fell off the seat. I was screaming that I was bleeding so my parents pulled over only to find that the "blood" that I felt was actually just my tears.
8. I've always wanted a tattoo. A yellow submarine. Although I could never think of a good enough place to put it.
9. I have been caught "shoplifting" at Shopko. Although it's not what you think.
and I saved the best for last...
10. Until I was in 6th grade, I slept with a nightlight and my mom tucked me into bed. Yep, 6th grade.

I tag: Tasha, Sha, Elise, Amy, Marlyce, Sharee, and Debra.

1 comment:

Team Bailey said...

That was hilarious! I've never been tagged with anything before...this should be interesting.