Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Free at last!

The torturous season of The Bachelor FINALLY ended. I don't know what I'm going to do with all my free time now. Let's recap at how mind-boggling this season was. It started out great. Jason tried to see who was there for the right reasons and he sifted and rejected some crazies ie. Natalie, Lauren, and Shannon. And even though he was very...affectionate (since I don't want to offend anyone with my other description) with everyone, I still tried look past his indescretions as it is a part of the show. What really upset me though was that he gave Jillian the boot after their racy hot tub activities saying they didn't have any passion just friendship. Well, Mr. Jason I cannot remember a time when I was more uncomfortable watching two friends hang out. Clearly there was a little bit more to this relationship. I am, however, delighted that Jillian will be back to be the next Bachelorette.

As for the finale, in Chris Harrison's words was "the most dramatic episode in Bachelor history." Deanna's return was too hyped up. I was so excited all season for her to come in and turn everything upside down yet that did not happen. It was pretty lame and Jason could've cared less, but from the sobbing balcony scene, you would've thought that he was torn up about her. That was not the case my friends. I love the end of the Bachelor, because it is built up as a fantasy and for the time being I love watching two people pledge their love to each other. I know that it won't last, but at least I have this one night. This great feeling lasted about 10 mins until 'After the Final Rose.' I'm still having a hard time believing that he would break up with Melissa to go back to Molly. I did not like Molly at all. She looks good on paper and she knew how to say the right things, but I could never tell if she was being really sincere. Plus, Melissa was way better with Ty. I know that some of my fellow followers are fans of Molly so please don't take offense...Sha:) I find it hard to believe that someone could fall in love that fast and ask them to marry him only after 2 months. I guess it shouldn't surprise me since I do meet many brides with whirlwind romances in Happy Valley. I just wish that he would've picked one to pursue without proposing. I suppose it is good to end it now instead of keeping up a charade. I'm just disappointed. I just wanted one night full of happiness and sappy love proclamations. Alas, now I'll have to wait and suffer another Bachelor season as I cannot turn my back on it. I'm once again...addicted.


Angel Dawn said...

This peep has something to say, "Oh brother!" I will send you out the Fray and Snow Patrol this week. Aaron

The Jacobson Family said...

Thanks for thinking of me in your blog ha I'm just glad he picked both Melissa and Molly because I said he would choose one of them in the very beginning so this way I win all together ha ha, but really I don't really care it's all for fun. Thanks for coming and watching it with us girls though it was fun.

tikichikadee said...

The Bachelor = stinky cheese.
Seriously...can we say staged? I give the whole sinister production a #2 on my stinky diaper awards. #1 being Obama giving federal funding to abortion clinics. (I don't care who I offend, abortion in WRONG!)