Saturday, November 22, 2008

Quirky Tag

Thanks to Marlyce for the tag. I gave this some deep thought and I was having trouble deciding if I was being quirky or just plain OCD. I finally narrowed it down to 6. Although I probably could've filled it up to 20. Enjoy-

Quirk #1: I have to fold my towels in a certain way. This is not a problem at my house as I tend to do my own laundry. At work, on the other hand, it drives me crazy when they are folded differently. We have many towels coming through the spa and an entire group folding haphazardly as they please. I usually go back into the locker room and refold to my liking. Fold towel in half, and again in half, then into thirds. This looks so neat especially when they are me.

Quirk #2: I never sleep on my pillowcase more than once before I change it. Okay, let me clarify. I'll sleep on one side then the next night I'll flip it over to the unused side. After that it goes into the laundry. I have dozens of pillowcases since I change them so frequently. Since I'm a stomach sleeper, the thoughts of my freshly cleansed facial skin rubbing against dirt, oil, and hair product residue makes me cringe. And I can't sleep on couch pillows either knowing that other bodies have soiled them. Ew...I just made myself sick.

Quirk #3: I buy fruits in groups of 3. I really have no explanation for this one. Bananas, apples, oranges, etc. I must buy 3.

Quirk #4: I refuse to cook or bake with a timer. I think because my mom never used one it just was not instilled in me. I like to do things on my own time and not be ruled or controlled by the clicking of the timer. It gives me anxiety. I have burned countless meals and baked goods because of my stubbornness.

Quirk #5: I love pens. I can spend hours in Office Depot looking for a great pen. I was so excited at my last job because I was in charge of ordering office supplies. Luckily, I could get away with buying a ridiculous amount of assorted pens. My favorite is a 1.4mm bold ballpoint pen preferably in blue. My good pens are labeled with my name so I know whether you stole my pen.

Quirk#6: Every time I use milk I have to smell it to make sure it's not sour. Even if I open a fresh carton, I still must use the odor test. Sometimes I psych myself out and have to debate whether it smells a little off or not. Clearly, when milk is sour there is no question. Knowing this, I still am a slave to use this method instead of using the expiration date as a guide. I'm guess this stems back to elementary when I was at lunch and took a big swig of was rotten....and curdled. From that point on I would never taste it blindly again.

After all this, I hope that this will not deem me as a crazy person. I tag Etta, Sha, Logan, Aaron/Angel, FOF, Melissa.

Tag Rules: Link the person who tagged you
Mention the rules on your blog
Tell about six quirks of yours
Tag six fellow bloggers to do the same
Leave a comment to let them know


Logan said...

oh my, this should be fun! :o)

Tami Anderson said...

Oh GREAT! Now I'm going to have to buy more pillowcases!