Friday, October 17, 2008

Locks of Love - Month 1

This may sound like a long shot, but I've decided that I would love to grow my hair out and donate it to Locks of Love. I know, I know...I haven't had long hair since I was around 6. It was always just a dream of mine to grow out my hair...someday. I've never really had enough willpower to struggle through that ugly growing-out phase. Most of the people I have mentioned this to have laughed in my face. I definitely don't blame them. I figure if I'm contributing to a good cause and the fact that I love a good challenge, I would give my all to grow out this mop of mine. The chances of me making it to the 10 inches (in a ponytail) needed to donate are slim. I have a few friends who believe in me, but many, many who are placing bets to when I will just chop it off again. I regularly get my hair cut every 4 weeks and I'm about 6 weeks into it. This will definitely be a HUGE commitment for me. If you have any comments or dates of when I'll "fall off the wagon" so to speak, I'd love to hear them. I'm including a pic for the end of month 1 and wish me luck.


etta said...

i love you and will fully support you in this..but you growing your hair out is as likely as me chopping mine off..its a nice random passing thought:)

Angel Dawn said...

I hope you can do it, but it will be hard for you. I have faith you can pull it off. You may need to get some extra ratting lessons for the "poof". Idaho girls are very good at it, I would say better than Sanpeters. So if you need a refresher come on up this way.

Mel said...

work it girl!

Marlyce said...

Well, I think it is going to take you about 2 years to reach that length. I finally bit the bullet and started the growing out phase about a year and a half ago. I can now do a small pony tail. But, good luck to you.

Angel Dawn said...

Hey, just had to say THANKS for the cds. I am currently stuck on Keane, but I know I will eventually get to the other ones. I am curious about Panic @ the Disco.....

Logan said...

this will be a huge undertaking, I am sure. You have my support, as someone who is smack dab in the middle of the nasty, awkward, growing out stage of hair! good luck!